People with the name Ornita

The name, along with the surname, is one of the ways we have of getting to know people and introducing ourselves. A name, whether simple or compound, together with a surname, is a person's introduction. Now, have you ever wondered what the most common surnames are for a particular name? Here you will find all possible combinations of the name Ornita with a surname. We have carried out extensive research and data collection so that you can know what the most common surnames are for Ornita. From this data, for example, you could extrapolate the chances that someone named Ornita has a specific surname.

In our table of combinations of Ornita with a surname, you will see the number of people worldwide who are registered with the name Ornita together with a surname. In this way, you can see which combinations of Ornita with a surname are more common and which are rarer or more difficult to find. Likewise, if your name is Ornita, you can see how many people share your name considering the combination of Ornita and your surname. Knowing this will also allow you to search for combinations of surnames with Ornita to create an avatar, fictional character, or profile on some social network. Your imagination is the limit to using the data we provide you with all the existing surnames combined with Ornita. Could you guess, without looking at the table, which is the surname that the most people named Ornita have in the world?

  1. Ornita Orni (6)
  2. Ornita Orin (3)
  3. Ornita Siregar (2)
  4. Ornita Simbolon (2)
  5. Ornita Rahman (2)
  6. Ornita Ornita (2)
  7. Ornita Onu (2)
  8. Ornita Nova (2)
  9. Ornita Mimi (2)
  10. Ornita Khan (2)
  11. Ornita Jahan (2)
  12. Ornita Islam (2)
  13. Ornita Green (2)
  14. Ornita Fabiha (2)
  15. Ornita Esita (2)
  16. Ornita Das (2)
  17. Ornita Chowdhury (2)
  18. Ornita Chakma (2)
  19. Ornita Alston (2)
  20. Ornita Akter (2)
  21. Ornita Afrin (2)
  22. Ornita Tomas (1)
  23. Ornita Tarim (1)
  24. Ornita Subedi (1)
  25. Ornita Som (1)
  26. Ornita Soha (1)
  27. Ornita Soares (1)
  28. Ornita Soad (1)
  29. Ornita Sinha (1)
  30. Ornita Singha (1)
  31. Ornita Shuhani (1)
  32. Ornita Shobnom (1)
  33. Ornita Shikder (1)
  34. Ornita Saragih (1)
  35. Ornita Salimnu (1)
  36. Ornita Safa (1)
  37. Ornita Sabrin (1)
  38. Ornita Rupa (1)
  39. Ornita Roy (1)
  40. Ornita Rhodes (1)
  41. Ornita Ray (1)
  42. Ornita Putul (1)
  43. Ornita Pushpo (1)
  44. Ornita Prity (1)
  45. Ornita Prionty (1)
  46. Ornita Pitts (1)
  47. Ornita Panna (1)
  48. Ornita Oyahi (1)
  49. Ornita Otithee (1)
  50. Ornita Ornil (1)
  51. Ornita Orges (1)
  52. Ornita Opekkha (1)
  53. Ornita Onti (1)
  54. Ornita Onie (1)
  55. Ornita Olibert (1)
  56. Ornita Oisorjo (1)
  57. Ornita Nowrin (1)
  58. Ornita Niha (1)
  59. Ornita Neto (1)
  60. Ornita Neha (1)
  61. Ornita Muskan (1)
  62. Ornita Murchona (1)
  63. Ornita Mukhopaddhay (1)
  64. Ornita Mrinmyi (1)
  65. Ornita Mou (1)
  66. Ornita Moore (1)
  67. Ornita Mondol (1)
  68. Ornita Mim (1)
  69. Ornita Meta (1)
  70. Ornita Mbappanse (1)
  71. Ornita Marbun (1)
  72. Ornita Marbaniang (1)
  73. Ornita Maliha (1)
  74. Ornita Luiz (1)
  75. Ornita Liza (1)
  76. Ornita Lily (1)
  77. Ornita Leibman (1)
  78. Ornita Kater (1)
  79. Ornita Juthi (1)
  80. Ornita Jesmin (1)
  81. Ornita Hrima (1)
  82. Ornita Hiya (1)
  83. Ornita Hassan (1)
  84. Ornita Gasri (1)
  85. Ornita Fuik (1)
  86. Ornita Frista (1)
  87. Ornita Faria (1)
  88. Ornita Fahmida (1)
  89. Ornita Dristy (1)
  90. Ornita Dipannita (1)
  91. Ornita Deepannita (1)
  92. Ornita Chumtham (1)
  93. Ornita Chompoo (1)
  94. Ornita Chawodhuri (1)
  95. Ornita Carter (1)
  96. Ornita Cachero (1)
  97. Ornita Brown (1)
  98. Ornita Bristy (1)
  99. Ornita Bouie (1)
  100. Ornita Bernard (1)
  101. Ornita Arshi (1)
  102. Ornita Aprin (1)
  103. Ornita Ahmed (1)
  104. Ornita Ahki (1)
  105. Ornita Adrita (1)
  106. Ornita Ademaj (1)
  107. Ornita Aani (1)